Current report No. 5/2019 ESPI – Conclusion of loan agreements between the Company and the Members of the Management Board
April 18, 2019
Subject: Conclusion of loan agreements between the Company and the Members of the Management Board
Legal basis: Article 17(1) MAR – confidential information.
Further to ESPI Report No. 3/2019 of 11 April 2019 on the sale of the Company’s shares by the Members of the Management Board in order to recapitalise the Company and to initiate activities aimed at increasing the share capital, the Management Board of Cherrypick Games S.A. (“Company”, “Issuer”) announces that on 18 April 2019, loan agreements were concluded between Marcin Kwasnica, President of the Issuer’s Management Board, and the Company, and between Michał Sroczynski, Member of the Issuer’s Management Board, and the Company (collectively, the “Agreements”).
The members of the Management Board granted loans to the Company for a period of 2 years in the total amount of PLN 5,190,000. The lenders will be due capital interest at WIBOR 1M/3M + 1.66% per annum. The Company has the right to repay all or part of the loans before the date specified in the Agreements. If the loans are repaid in full before the date specified in the Agreements, interest due to the lenders will be charged for the period ending on the date of repayment of the loans. Repayment of the loans is not secured or insured.
Pursuant to Article 17 of the Code of Commercial Companies, the Parties to the Agreements have agreed that it will be necessary to obtain the approval of the General Meeting of the Company to enter into the above Agreements within two months from 18 April 2019
Disclaimer: This English language translation has been prepared solely for the convenience of English-speaking readers. Despite all the efforts devoted to this translation, certain discrepancies, omissions or approximations may exist. In case of any differences between the Polish and the English versions, the Polish version shall prevail.