
Current Report No. 19/2021 ESPI – Conclusion of agreements on the termination of contracts concluded with Pixel Trapps sp. z o.o.

September 27, 2021


Subject: Conclusion of agreements on the termination of contracts concluded with Pixel Trapps sp. z o.o.

Legal basis: Art. 17 section 1 MAR – confidential information.


Further to the ESPI current report No. 2/2021 of 13 January 2021 regarding the conclusion of two publishing agreements and a cooperation agreement with Pixel Trapps sp. z o.o. “Agreements”, the Management Board of Cherrypick Games S.A. “Issuer” informs that on 24 September 2021. The Issuer has entered into agreements to terminate the Agreements “the Agreements”. Under the Agreements, the parties have declared that they have no financial claims against each other for the termination of the Agreements.