Current report No. 3/2018 EBI
March 26, 2018
Company: Cherrypick Games S.A.
Date: 2018-03-26
Subject: Annual General Meeting of Cherrypick Games S.A. on 23 April 2018.
The Management Board of Cherrypick Games S.A. (the “Company”), acting pursuant to Article 399 § 1 and Articles 402(1) and 402(2) of the Commercial Companies Code and § 22(2) and (3) of the Company’s Articles of Association, convenes for 23 April 2018 at 12:00 the Company’s Annual General Meeting to be held in Warsaw (00-014) at 1a Moniuszki Street, 12th floor.
Please find attached the full text of the notice convening the Annual General Meeting together with the draft resolutions.
Planned amendment to the Statutes:
It is planned to add a new paragraph 5 to § 7 of the Articles of Association with the following wording:
“5. The Company’s share capital is conditionally increased by an amount not exceeding PLN 6,750 (six thousand seven hundred and fifty zloty) through the issue of no more than 45,000 (forty-five thousand) new ordinary series C bearer shares with a nominal value of PLN 0.15 (fifteen groszy) each and a total nominal value not exceeding PLN 6,750 (six thousand seven hundred and fifty zloty). The conditional increase in the Company’s share capital was made in order to grant rights to subscribe for series C shares to holders of series A subscription warrants issued pursuant to Resolution No. 13 of the Ordinary General Meeting of the Company of 23 April 2018 on the issue of series A subscription warrants, in connection with the implementation of the Incentive Programme for employees, associates and Members of the Company’s Management Board.”
It is planned to add a new letter h. to § 18.3 of the Articles of Association with the following wording:
“h. the appointment of an auditor to audit the annual financial statements and to review the half-yearly financial statements of the Company.”
Basis legacy: § 4, sec. 2, points 1), 2) and 3) of Exhibit 3 to the Alternative Trading System Rules “Current and periodic information provided within the alternative trading system on the NewConnect market”.
Disclaimer: This English language translation has been prepared solely for the convenience of English-speaking readers. Despite all the efforts devoted to this translation, certain discrepancies, omissions or approximations may exist. In case of any differences between the Polish and the English versions, the Polish version shall prevail.